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Virus Response

The current council has fully backed Pritzger's Destroy Illinois plan.

I actually defended the initial lockdowns when the early reports indicated the virus was highly communicable and had a high death rate.  But since then, we've learned that the virus is much less deadly than expected in most of the population, and many people fight off the infection without even getting sick.  We've found treatments and ways to minimize the severity for those that do become ill.

For those that are most at risk, masks, physical distancing, and other protective measures are entirely appropriate.  For most people, however, one needs to balance the impact of the disease against the impact of the 'cure'.  The current council did not look into the impact of its policies.  The current council did not ask the town staff to look into the impact of its policies.  I Did look into the projected impact of the Destroy Illinois Plan, and informed the council.  The current town council voted to, statistically, kill 3 townspeople in order to save only 1.

We need a council that puts people's lives ahead of politics and personal power, and seeks to reopen our local economy as aggressively as possible.
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