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Why VoteForKarl
 - "I'm Karl Sila and I'm a Normal guy" - other than a few years in the Chicago area after college, I've lived in Normal since I was 3.  Most of my close family lives here, I've served on the Library board, and I'm an actively involved dad.
 - I'm willing to step up and fight against the three biggest problems in Normal government - I'll actually listen to the people of Normal, I'll vote to direct Town resources towards the people's Needs rather than the Council's Wants, and I'll push for sane, Science-based handling of the future 'emergency situations' rather than responses based on politics and power grabs.
 - My local roots, my accounting background, and my analytical problem-solving nature allow me to bring a unique skillset towards making Normal a good place to live, to raise a family, and to grow old.

- I'm Not A Politician.  I'm not one of the two incumbents or the politically connected non-incumbent.  If you want Normal to put 'The Plan' ahead of the people, do vote for your choice of Politicians.
The Politicians talk a good game about listening to people and putting emphasis on infrastructure etc, but notice they Are Not calling out the problems with current priorities or policies, or being open to new ideas.

Depending on how old you are, you've seen Politicians lie, mislead, and misspend for years or even decades.  I've been noticing more and more in recent years that sadly Normal is not exempt from this.  I'm part of a group of Public Servants that have come forward to help make Normal a great place to live, not a place people say they were from.

Politicians' insider deals make them friends, and make their friends money.  That's why you've get so many mailings from politicians and their friends - They're willing to spend big money to keep those Bigger money insider deals coming.  Please spread the word about my campaign - I may still have yard signs or car magnets, and would love to add you to my email list so you can forward information to others who care about Normal's future.

A good way to learn more is to watch a video (or more than one) from my Facebook page.

Thank you so much, and remember on April 4th (or before) to VoteForKarl!

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