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Running for town council can be expensive. There are yard signs, mailers, door hangers, postage, ads, and website fees just to name a few expenses.

If you're tired of having a town council that disregards public input unless it supports their agenda of spending on Their Wants over the townspeople's Needs, PLEASE CONTRIBUTE.

I completely self-funded my last run, but there's no way I can afford to get the message out to the people all on my own.  Having only one true representative on the board has gained us nothing - we need more 'real people' on the council if we want to help turn Normal around!

The form below feeds PayPal donations, or Checks can be mailed to:

112 Landmark Dr, #B
Normal, IL 61761

Ask your friends and neighbors to be sure to VOTE APRIL 6th

Thank you for your support!

Contributions are limited to a total of $5,000 per individual per election cycle, under Illinois law 10 ILCS 5/9-8.5.
Any personal information will be used for legally required reporting purposes and will not be shared with or sold to any marketing firms etc.
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